Kali password dictionary
These hacking dictionaries are already present o Kali Linux. So we can safely use it without download anything.
(/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou) is the most popular pentest dictionary
for any business. It can also be used for WiFi, but I recommend that you
first clean up inappropriate passwords using the same pw-inspector.
if you are using Kali Linux before you download any password dictionary
you may check rockyou password list that comes in every kali Linux
You can use it to perform a dictionary attack, at least try the one you have before you download a new one.
Kali Linux provides some Password dictionary files as part of its standard installation named rockyou.txt.
you can find that file here :
/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou .txt.gz
if this one doesn’t work check the end of this article and you will find what you want.
but for now let’s check rockyou.txt.gz.
So let’s take a copy of rockyou.txt.gz to root directory
To do so write this command:
cp /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou .txt.gz .
Now to unzip rockyou wordlist type:
gunzip rockyou.txt.gz
you will get a new file rockyou.txt
To know how many passwords this file contains type:
wc -l rockyou.txt
The password inside this file include password’s with more and less then 8 characters
if you want to use it for WPA2 Penetration Testing you should make a
dictionary that contains passwords with minimum 8 characters so it
becomes a wpa dictionary and Make sure you have a monitor mode wifi
adapter that support WPA2 cracking
To do that type this command :
cat rockyou.txt | sort | uniq | pw-inspector -m 8 -M 63 > rockyoulist.txt
rockyoulist.txt contains 9606665 passwords that’s a huge list
called mine rockyoulist.txt but maybe you should call it
passwordlist.txt if you are making it for WiFi penetration or anything
you want just remember it.
Password dictionary :
attacks can be divided into two large groups: a hash attack and an
attempt to pick up a password for authentication. We will not dwell on
their characteristics in detail. Since password dictionary attack is
possible in both groups.
So we come to the most important thing – where to get the dictionaries. Different tasks require different dictionaries:
we brute force login to a remote service, then we need not very large
dictionaries, but with the most common usernames and passwords. This is
due to the fact that most network services have a customized brute force
protection. Those. so that our IP is not blocked by an automatic
script, we must make a long interval between attempts. It will take a
lot of time, so it makes sense to start only with the most popular sets
of words;
Bruteforcing a Wi-Fi network password (in an
intercepted handshake), we still need a high-quality dictionary with
popular passwords, but the larger the dictionary, the better, especially
if you have medium or strong hardware;
Enjoy π❤️
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